7 Sustainable Diet Secrets

1. Use the KISS principle, Keep It Simple Silly. The idea of simplicity when it comes to losing weight may come as a surprise because we get lost in the drama of our diet story. The do and don’t rules, restrictions and limitations of a quick fix diet abound when […]

Why You Shouldn’t Bite Your Nails – Ever!

If you’re reading this, you probably bite your nails. Here are five excellent reasons why you shouldn’t bite your nails – ever! If you are anything like the way I was, you’ve probably never really understood why biting your nails is such a bad thing, outside of simply not looking […]

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux and Effective Cures

Acid reflex is a digestive disorder suffered by millions of people when the contents of the stomach after eating including the gastric acids rushes back into the esophagus and throat. This disease is also referred as Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The patient experiences heartburn due to the back flow […]

A Rich History of the Carrot Cake

Carrot cake is a confectionery conundrum: it seems you either love it, or you hate it. But either way, theres no denying the appeal of this rich dessert throughout history. Food historians tell us that the origins of carrot cake were likely a type of carrot pudding enjoyed during medieval […]

Why Stainless Steel Cookware?

A little history Metal cooking utensils have been in common use for centuries. Stainless Steel cookware is a more recent development. The smelting of Stainless Steel (an iron-nickel-chromium alloy) didn’t occur until 1910 when Harry Brearley (under the employ of John Brown Laboratories and Thomas Firth & Sons, England) sought […]

Factors Affecting Microwave Recipes Cooking

FACTORS WHICH AFFECT COOKING Several factors which influence timing and results in conventional cooking are exaggerated by microwave speed.. From conventional cooking you are familiar with the idea that more food takes more time. Two cups of water take longer to boil than one. Size of food is important, too. […]