Looking for a Pet: Consider a Rabbit

They may be cute and cuddly. They may be as playful as a puppy or kitten, but they’re also curious and mischievous, and they love to chew. If your kids leave their clothes on the floor, if you have tassels and strings hanging from your drapes or furniture, you’ll quickly learn that chewing is one of your new pet’s favorite pastimes. If bunny’s a house pet, don’t leave bunny home alone without supervision. And if your computer or any of your appliances quit working, it’s a good bet to check electrical cord for teeth marks.

You’ll most certainly have a little expense in preparing a home for your new friend. You’ll need a hutch or cage to keep him or her out of trouble during the night or when you’re not watching. Your pet supply store will probably have an assortment of housing facilities in an assortment of prices. Or if you’re handy with tools, build one yourself. Just don’t use chicken wire, or put slats too close together; be careful there’s nothing with which the rabbit could hurt itself. Don’t keep your rabbit confined too long. They’re sociable critters and get lonely.

Other expenses may include normal health care that you should provide for any pet. Spaying and neutering, vaccinations, treatment for fleas. And don’t forget to watch for other health problems, especially those that are specific to rabbits.

Rabbits usually don’t like to be held so they’re not a lap sitting animal or a child’s playmate. They are quiet, clean, and for the most part, like to be left alone. They do, however, like a large area where they can move around and explore. Make sure they have room to exercise. Provide a door to their hutch to allow free access. They’re more comfortable if they have a safe place to go to.

Rabbit owners are unanimous in the praise of their pets. Like most other pets, all have different personalities, bond well with their owners, and are easily trained using treats and the same techniques as for training a dog.

We cannot emphasize enough though, do your homework. And if you think a rabbit is a pet you could live with, check with a pet shelter near you. They frequently have rabbits available.

Just remember, any pet needs love and proper care. Because of their nature, rabbits need a little care more than a dog or cat. Make sure you’re committed.

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